Social responsibility

At the Institute of Business and Industry Zone Tezno we strive to make the area of Zone Tezno and the entities in it work in the spirit of social responsibility. In this context we above all emphasize reciprocal ethnical relations between companies and other entities housed or hosted in Zone Tezno; this also applies to their relations with customers. Within this frame also belongs the honourable relation of company managements to their employees and to the environment in which they work.

We believe that the spirit of honesty and reciprocity are vital components or even a prerequisite for long-tem business success, where man and his positive image must have a central place. Therefore the Institute PPC Tezno also collaborates with the Institute for Development of Social Responsibility (IRDO) based in Maribor, which is the central Slovenian establishment of its kind.

The Institute PPC Tezno as both a supporter and a sponsor supports technical training activities related to young people and is involved in supporting activities in the field of cultural heritage, culture and sports.